COLORADOCLASSIC VAPE ยป What is the Vape Law in Indiana? A Guide to Vaping Regulations in the Hoosier State

What is the Vape Law in Indiana? A Guide to Vaping Regulations in the Hoosier State

If you’re a vaper in Indiana, it’s important to be aware of the state’s vaping laws. Indiana has taken measures to regulate vaping products, including e-cigarettes and e-liquids, to ensure their safety and prevent underage use. These laws have been updated in recent years, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest regulations.

One of the most significant changes to Indiana’s vaping laws is the increase in the legal age to purchase vaping products. As of 2023, the legal age to purchase vaping products in Indiana is 21 years old, in line with federal law. This means that if you’re under 21, you won’t be able to purchase vaping products in Indiana, even if you’re legally allowed to smoke cigarettes. It’s important to note that this law applies to all tobacco products, not just vaping products.

Another important aspect of Indiana’s vaping laws is the taxation of vaping products. As of 2019, all electronic cigarettes sold in Indiana are subject to a 15% tax. This tax applies to both the devices and the e-liquids used in them. This tax revenue is used to fund tobacco cessation programs in the state. It’s important to be aware of this tax if you’re a vaper in Indiana, as it can increase the cost of vaping products.

Understanding Vaping

If you’re new to vaping or interested in learning more about it, here’s a quick rundown of what it is and how it works.

What is Vaping?

Vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling vapor produced by an electronic device known as an e-cigarette or vape pen. These devices were originally designed to help smokers quit smoking by providing a less harmful alternative to traditional cigarettes. However, they have become increasingly popular among young people and non-smokers.

How Does Vaping Work?

Vaping devices work by heating a liquid, known as e-juice or vape juice, to produce a vapor that is then inhaled. The liquid typically contains a combination of nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals. The device is powered by a battery and can come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Is Vaping Safe?

The safety of vaping is a topic of ongoing debate. While it is generally agreed that vaping is less harmful than smoking traditional cigarettes, there are still concerns about the long-term effects of vaping on health. Some studies have linked vaping to lung damage, heart disease, and other health problems. It is important to note that the long-term effects of vaping are not yet fully understood, and more research is needed.

Vaping Laws in Indiana

In Indiana, there are several laws and regulations in place regarding vaping. As of 2023, the legal age to purchase vaping products in Indiana is 21 years old, in line with federal law. The sale of vaping products to anyone under 21 years old is prohibited. Additionally, all electronic cigarettes are taxed at a rate of 15%, and there are restrictions on manufacturers and retailers of vaping products.

It is important to follow these laws and regulations to ensure that you are using vaping products safely and legally.

Indiana’s Vape Law: An Overview

If you are a vaper in Indiana, it is important to understand the state’s vape laws. Indiana has implemented several regulations regarding the sale and use of vaping products. Here is an overview of the current vape laws in Indiana:

Age Restrictions

Indiana law prohibits the sales of tobacco products, including vaping products, to anyone under the age of 21. This law, known as “Tobacco 21,” went into effect on July 1, 2020. It is important to note that this law applies to all vaping products, including e-cigarettes and e-liquids.

Vape Shop Regulations

Indiana has specific regulations for vape shops. These regulations include requirements for licensing, labeling, and packaging. Vape shops must also comply with specific product testing and reporting requirements.

Product Labeling Requirements

Indiana requires all vaping products to be labeled with a warning that they contain nicotine. The label must also include the name and address of the manufacturer, the date of manufacture, and the nicotine content.

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Flavored Vape Ban

Indiana has not implemented a statewide ban on flavored vaping products. However, some localities have implemented their own bans on flavored vaping products. It is important to check with your local government to see if there are any restrictions on flavored vaping products in your area.

Taxes on Vaping Products

Indiana imposes a 15% retail tax on vaping products. Additionally, there is a tax on the distribution of alternative nicotine products based on a rate of $0.40 per ounce of the product weight.

Penalties for Violations

Violating Indiana’s vape laws can result in significant penalties. Penalties can include fines, suspension or revocation of licenses, and even criminal charges.

Overall, it is important to understand Indiana’s vape laws if you are a vaper in the state. By following these laws, you can help ensure that you are using vaping products safely and legally.

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Legal Age for Vaping in Indiana

As of 2023, the legal age to purchase vaping products in Indiana is 21 years old, in accordance with federal law. This means that if you are under the age of 21, it is illegal for you to purchase or use vaping products in Indiana.

Penalties for Underage Vaping

If you are caught using or possessing vaping products while under the age of 21 in Indiana, you may face penalties. According to Indiana state law, it is unlawful for anyone under the age of 21 to knowingly and intentionally use an electronic smoking device. If you are caught vaping before you are 18, you may be fined.

Additionally, possession or purchase of an electronic cigarette or e-liquid by persons under age 21 is prohibited by Indiana law. Self-service displays and vending machine sales of electronic cigarettes are restricted to tobacco/vape shops and places inaccessible to persons under age 21.

It is important to remember that underage vaping is not only illegal, but it can also be harmful to your health. Nicotine can be addictive and may have negative effects on brain development. If you are under the age of 21, it is best to avoid vaping altogether.

Regulation of Vape Shops

If you’re a vape shop owner in Indiana, there are several regulations that you need to be aware of in order to stay compliant with the law. Here are some of the key regulations that you should know:

Age Restrictions

It is illegal to sell vaping products to anyone under the age of 21 in Indiana. This includes both e-cigarettes and other vaping devices, as well as e-liquids and other vaping products.

Certification Requirement

All e-liquid manufacturers must be certified by the Indiana Alcohol and Tobacco Commission (ATC) in order to sell their products in the state. This certification process is designed to ensure that e-liquids meet certain safety and quality standards.

Sales and Packaging Restrictions

Electronic cigarettes are defined as “a device that is capable of providing an inhalable dose of nicotine by delivering a vaporized solution [and] includes the components and cartridges.” As such, there are certain restrictions on the sales and packaging of vaping products in Indiana. For example, it is illegal to sell or distribute e-liquids in a container that resembles a food or beverage container.


All electronic cigarettes are subject to a 15% tax in Indiana. This tax applies to both the sale of vaping devices and e-liquids.

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Signage Requirements

If you operate a vending machine that sells tobacco or electronic cigarette products, you are required to display updated signage that indicates the minimum legal age for purchasing these products (21 years old) and the penalties for selling to minors.

By staying up-to-date with these regulations, you can ensure that your vape shop is operating legally and responsibly in the state of Indiana.

Vape Product Standards

If you are a vaper in Indiana, it is important to know that the state has strict regulations in place when it comes to vape products. All e-liquid manufacturers must be certified by the Indiana Alcohol and Tobacco Commission (ATC) in order to sell their products in the state. This regulation was put in place in 2015 and remains in effect in 2023.

Additionally, Indiana defines an electronic cigarette as “a device that is capable of providing an inhalable dose of nicotine by delivering a vaporized solution [and] includes the components and cartridges.” This means that all vape products sold in Indiana must meet certain standards, including sales and packaging restrictions.

It is also worth noting that Indiana’s “Tobacco 21” law prohibits the sale of tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and e-liquids, to anyone under the age of 21. This law went into effect on July 1, 2020, and is still in effect as of 2023.

In order to comply with Indiana’s vape product standards, manufacturers and retailers must ensure that their products meet certain requirements. For example, all electronic cigarettes must be taxed at a rate of 15%, and manufacturers and retailers are subject to various regulations and restrictions.

Overall, if you are a vaper in Indiana, it is important to be aware of the state’s vape product standards and regulations. By staying informed and complying with these regulations, you can enjoy vaping in Indiana while also staying on the right side of the law.

Public Vaping Restrictions

If you are a vaper in Indiana, it is important to be aware of the public vaping restrictions in the state. Indiana has some of the strictest regulations on vaping in the country, with laws in place to protect public health and safety.

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Under Indiana law, vaping is prohibited in all enclosed public places, including restaurants, bars, and workplaces. This means that you cannot vape in any indoor public space where smoking is also prohibited. This law is in place to protect non-smokers from exposure to secondhand vapor.

In addition to the ban on indoor vaping, Indiana also has restrictions on outdoor vaping in certain public areas. For example, vaping is prohibited in parks, playgrounds, and other recreational areas where children are likely to be present. This law is designed to protect children from exposure to secondhand vapor and to promote a healthy environment for outdoor activities.

It is important to note that these restrictions apply to all types of vaping devices, including e-cigarettes and vaporizers. Violations of these laws can result in fines and other penalties.

Overall, if you are a vaper in Indiana, it is important to be aware of the public vaping restrictions in the state. By following these laws, you can help to promote a healthy and safe environment for yourself and those around you.

Taxation on Vaping Products

If you’re a vaper in Indiana, you should be aware of the taxes imposed on vaping products. As of 2023, Indiana imposes a 15% retail tax on all vaping products [1]. This tax covers all vaping products, including e-cigarettes, e-liquids, and other consumable materials.

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Furthermore, closed system cartridges are also taxed at a rate of 15% of the wholesale price [2]. This tax is imposed on the distributor of the product, not the consumer.

Indiana also imposes a tax on the distribution of alternative nicotine products based on a rate of $0.40 per ounce of the product weight [3]. This tax is also imposed on the distributor of the product, not the consumer.

It’s important to note that these taxes are in addition to any other taxes that may be imposed on vaping products, such as sales tax. So, if you purchase a vaping product in Indiana, you will likely be subject to both the retail tax and the sales tax.

In conclusion, if you’re a vaper in Indiana, it’s important to be aware of the taxes imposed on vaping products. These taxes can have a significant impact on the cost of vaping, so it’s important to factor them into your budget when purchasing vaping products.


  1. New vape tax among 10 notable laws now in effect in Indiana
  2. E-Cigarette Regulations – Indiana
  3. DOR: Cigarette, Other Tobacco Products & E-Cigarette Taxes –

Vaping and Driving Laws

When it comes to vaping and driving in Indiana, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First and foremost, it is illegal to smoke or vape in any vehicle that is being operated on a public highway. This means that if you are caught vaping while driving, you could face a fine of up to $500.

Additionally, Indiana has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to vaping and driving. This means that if you are under the age of 21 and are caught vaping while driving, you could face a suspension of your driver’s license for up to one year.

It’s also worth noting that if you are involved in an accident while vaping and driving, you could be held liable for any damages or injuries that result from the accident. This could include medical bills, property damage, and even legal fees.

To avoid any legal issues, it’s best to simply refrain from vaping while driving. If you need to vape, pull over to a safe location and do so outside of your vehicle.

Overall, it’s important to remember that vaping and driving can be dangerous and is illegal in Indiana. Always prioritize your safety and the safety of others on the road.

Vaping in the Workplace

If you are an employee in Indiana, it is important to know that state law does not specifically address vaping in the workplace. However, many employers have implemented policies that prohibit vaping in the workplace, just as they have with smoking.

If your employer has not established a policy regarding vaping, it is important to communicate with your supervisor or HR department to determine whether it is allowed. Even if vaping is not prohibited, it is important to be respectful of your coworkers and their preferences.

It is also important to note that federal law prohibits the use of e-cigarettes on commercial flights. This means that if you travel for work, you cannot use your e-cigarette on a plane.

Overall, it is important to be aware of your workplace’s policies regarding vaping and to be respectful of those around you.

Vaping in Schools

If you are a student, teacher, or staff member in a school in Indiana, it is important to know that vaping and the use of electronic cigarettes are prohibited on school grounds and in school vehicles. This policy is in place to protect the health of students and staff, as well as to prevent the use of these products by minors.

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The Vape-Free Indiana initiative provides a model policy for schools to adopt and enforce. The policy prohibits the possession or use of all tobacco products, including electronic nicotine delivery devices (e-cigarettes), on school grounds and in school vehicles. This policy is effective 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

It is important to note that the use of e-cigarettes and vaping devices is not only harmful to the user but can also be harmful to those around them. The aerosol produced by these devices contains harmful chemicals that can be inhaled by others, including children and pregnant women.

If you are a student who is struggling with nicotine addiction, there are resources available to help you quit. The CATCH My Breath program is a youth e-cigarette and JUUL prevention program that provides resources and support for students who want to quit vaping. Additionally, the Indiana Tobacco Quitline offers free resources and support for those who want to quit tobacco and nicotine use.

Overall, it is important to remember that vaping and the use of electronic cigarettes are prohibited in Indiana schools. If you are struggling with nicotine addiction, there are resources available to help you quit.

Vaping and the FDA

If you’re a vaper in Indiana, you should be aware of the regulations set by the FDA. The FDA has been taking steps to regulate the vaping industry, which has caused some controversy among vapers and vape shop owners.

One of the most significant regulations is the requirement for manufacturers to submit their products for approval by the FDA. This process can be expensive and time-consuming, which has led to concerns that it will put small vape shops out of business.

In addition to the approval process, the FDA has also implemented rules around advertising and labeling. Vape products cannot be marketed to minors, and the labels must include warnings about the potential health risks of vaping.

It’s important to note that the FDA regulations are in addition to the state-level regulations in Indiana. These regulations include a ban on the sale of e-liquid or electronic cigarettes containing vitamin E acetate and restrictions on the location of specialty e-cigarette/e-liquid stores near schools.

Overall, the regulations around vaping can be confusing and overwhelming. If you’re a vaper in Indiana, it’s important to stay informed about both the state and federal regulations to ensure that you’re following the rules and staying safe.

Future of Vape Laws in Indiana

As of 2023, Indiana has implemented new regulations for vaping products. One of the most significant changes is the increase in the legal age to purchase vaping products from 18 to 21 years old. This change aligns Indiana with federal law, which sets the legal age for purchasing tobacco and vaping products at 21 years old.

In addition to age restrictions, Indiana has also implemented regulations on vape shops. Vape shops must comply with regulations on e-liquid manufacture and sales. E-liquid is defined as “a substance that may or may not contain nicotine and is intended to be vaporized and inhaled using a vapor product.”

It is important to note that Indiana’s vape laws are subject to change in the future. As with any new regulations, there may be adjustments or revisions to the laws as they are implemented and enforced. It is important for vape shop owners and consumers to stay up-to-date on any changes to Indiana’s vape laws.

If you are a vape shop owner in Indiana, it is recommended to regularly check for updates on regulations and comply with all state and federal laws. Failure to comply with regulations can result in fines and penalties.

Overall, the future of vape laws in Indiana is uncertain, but it is important for both vape shop owners and consumers to stay informed and comply with all regulations.

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